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Important information for anyone who wants to buy dog or puppy

Many questions comes to our mind when purchasing a dog:

First, we must pay attention to the dog living organism needs by caring permanently, so we need to have enough time before the offer to buy a dog to care of the dog we want to purchase, and this does not mean that we find ourselves with the dog 24 hours, but giv the dog enough time for food , drink and play with him beside training the dog to do some basic things needed by the dog, and preferable to put the dog in a wide open place that might air and light enters more than putting it inside the house, inorder to give the chance for the dog to play and run, as the dog by nature loves running and playing peacefully in open areas.

How and where can I buy a dog?

When applying to buy a dog we advise you to purchase it from a company or a reputable institution and has a good reputation and Credibility in selling pure dogs of pure strains and original which is not infected with any disease and enjoy a strong structure, and must include the purchase of the essential papers group attached with the dog:
1. Vaccines or vaccination certificate for a dog or puppy league, where useful knowledge of vaccines that are attached with the dog since he was born.
2. The book serves as a passport or identity card of the dog, where it Enables the viewer to know the Strain which the dog belongs to and know the dog’s family tree, and whether the dog from the descendants of the heroes of father and mother as well as other data as group life dog …
3. Private dog training certificate, showing the courses that underwent a dog and dog skills acquired through formal and continuing education.

What is a good age to buy a dog or puppy?

Many breeders dogs prefer to buy a dog at the age of Allstate months and they have a point of view in so that the health problems for dogs in addition to follow-up and ongoing training, care has ended, and this wrong belief, because many of the farms dogs do not care do not take care of trained dogs and improve the behavior and performance of dogs deal of people and leaves on nature, with no training or experience in dealing with human beings, and after buying a dog found a coward and inclosed itself becomes useless.
So what is the age or age-appropriate to buy a dog? The best age to buy a dog starts from 6 weeks, Omar suitable for breeding and training the dog, where the dog is gaining skill and experience at an early age in dealing with humans until it reaches one year of age must have acquired experience full of special dogs during regular training courses.
Must buy a dog from an early age to review veterinary clinics and timeliness monthly vaccines needed by the dog to Fadi diseases dog.
If you have a desire to buy a dog or guard dog – rescue dog – the family dog, dog help of lost his sight or Kovvin, you have arrived to the right place where at Global Dog company specialized team consisting of experts and specialists assist you in choosing a puppy or a dog that fits your lifestyle and your work style and meets your expectations.

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